On Friday I will be in Omaha for their first WordCamp. I’m glad to see more WordCamps happening in the Midwest, especially since WordCamp MSP didn’t happen this year. Hopefully 2012 will bring even more WordCamps to the area!
Update: It looks like WordCamp Omaha didn’t happen this year either, better luck next year…
Hi there, congrats on ur being to wordcamp. I need a slight help, that is where should i place the code:
to activate the slider as the header slider of my wp web. I am using the following theme: Twenty Eleven 1.3.
Thanks, but this WordCamp was postponed so I haven’t been able to go yet. But I’m hoping to make it to WordCamp Omaha and a few others this year!
Take a look at this thread in the support forums for more info on adding a slideshow to your header in Twenty Eleven.
Thanks bro, i will not insult you by giving thanks!!!, anyway the thread worked just cool. One more thing, should i go thorough the same process for all other themes to make it as header slides?
No problem, that info is only valid for Twenty Eleven. Added it to other themes will be similar, but not the same. The first thing I would check for in other themes is a header widget area. Meteor Slides has a slideshow widget, so that would be the easiest way to add a slideshow if the header uses widgets.
[…] But it sounds like there might finally be a WordCamp Omaha in 2014, which is great news since it fell through last […]