Meteor Slides 1.3 is now available for download. This version of Meteor Slides supports multiple slideshows and includes a number of improvements and fixes.

I have updated the Meter Slides homepage and and added detailed documentation. Check out the new screencast below to learn more about the newest version.

Video Overview

This screencast shows some of the new features in 1.3, such as adding multiple slideshows, and using metadata.

Meteor Slides 1.3

  • Added custom slideshows taxonomy for multiple slideshows
  • Optional slideshow and metadata parameters for template tag and shortcode
  • Optional title, slideshow, and metadata parameters for the widget
  • Added settings link to plugins page
  • Added Slide image and link to slides column
  • Removed slides from menu editor and search
  • Expanded navigation options
  • Added Metadata jQuery plugin
  • Added Swedish translation by Simon Wämmerfors
Meteor Slides
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Join the conversation! 54 Comments

  1. i want to put in wiget and page but edit size for to both, help

  2. Hi Josh

    The CPT created will have its own permalink, like this for example

    Is there anyway to make CPT not to have URL ( no permalink to it at all ? )

    btw, I think your plugin is by far the best of feature slider plugin.

    Thank you very much and please keep it up !!

    • Hi Paul, no technically they are posts, so they will always have a permalink.

      The slides posts are excluded from search and should never show up on the frontend. In Meteor Slides 1.3.1 I have also pretty well hidden the permalinks for the slides since they aren’t needed.

  3. I’m having some issues with the width/height. I’m using shortcode in a page, and no matter how I’ve tried to input the width and height of the image (640px x 480px), it always reverts it back to 640px x 200px, which cuts it off on the top. Do you have any idea why it is doing this?

    • So is the actual height option in the settings reverting, or is it just the height of the slideshow on the frontend?

      There could be a conflict with your theme, could you post a link?

      • It seems to be working ok now, I guess it was because I changed the dimensions after uploading the images. Another issue I’m having now is that on the home page my slideshow should be 648×648… but on internal pages it should be 648×518. The ones that are 648×518 have a big white space underneath. I tried messing with metadata to change the height within the shortcode, but that doesn’t seem to be working. Any suggestions?

        • Can you share the code with with metadata you are using to load the slideshow?

          And do you have a link to the page you are working on?

          • Here is a link to the page: (test page)
            and here is the metadata:
            [meteor_slideshow slideshow="irma-slideshow" metadata="random: 1, width: '648px', height: '518px'"] (I tried several different ways to change the width/height because I wasn’t sure if it needed the px or the ”)

          • You don’t need single quotes with numbers, or px. Format them like this example.

            For that white gap under the slideshow you are trying to resize, that is a bug in version 1.3.1 with resizing slideshows. Try using Meteor Slides 1.3.2 instead.

  4. Your plug in is great in terms of ease of you! Thank you for making our website development effort way less complicated.

    Where can I find the options list for the metadata?

  5. Hi Josh I looked at your overview but that skips over multiple slideshows and the terminology in the documentation is confusing if your not familiar with the plugin I have tried for a couple of hours to figure it out. In the end I plucked for radslide simply because it was easy to understand how to achieve this. Perhaps you need to do a tutorial on multiple slideshows as a lot of “simpletons” like me will just not use it…best of luck

    • Yeah, some screencasts about the advanced features such as multiple slideshows are long overdue but I should be adding more soon!

  6. I created a slideshow and the navigation is working but the images aren’t appearing. They appeared earlier with a slideshow I deleted. I disabled every plugin in the event their was a conflict to no avail.

  7. Good Day sir Josh

    Ive been trying create thumbnails for meteor slider based on your detailed instructions through:

    but i cant and i don’t get it. may i ask for more details for this sir? 🙂

    thanks sir..

    • Hi Rex, did you take a look at customizing the slideshow script?

      Adding thumbnail navigation is going to be just like the second example on building custom paged navigation with slide titles, but instead of loading the titles, you’ll load the thumbnails. To actually add the thumbnails, I would create another featured image size that matches what you want for the thumb nav in your theme’s functions.php file. And then load that size as a featured image just like the slideshow uses the larger slide featured image.

      • Hi Josh,

        Fantastic plugin! I’m having the same issue with trying to create thumbnails for the navigation. I’ve tried to follow your instructions in the past threads and I’ve also checked out customizing the slideshow script. Unfortunately, I know very little jQuery and am struggling to figure this out. Any help you could give would be greatly appreciated.


        • Sorry Zuri, I don’t have any better documentation on this to point you at right now, but writing this up is definitely on my to do list!

          • I’m also trying to add thumbnails per your example and I can get the image tag to show up exactly as needed, except it just says the src is “undefined” and I haven’t a clue how to solve that.

          • Hi Jennifer, could you post a link to the site you’re working on?

  8. Hey Josh,

    Just want to say thanks for the great plugin. It’s highly recommended to all members of my forum, as well as clients. Not only because Meteor is easy for them, but also Responsive and that’s the priority for my Theme 🙂

    Keep up the great work bud!


  9. Hi,

    I want to create 4 slide shows in header.
    I have copy pasted code 4 times in header.php file it is now showing same slide show 4 times. But how to add 4 different slideshows side by side in header, any idea.

    • Did you get it figured out? It looks like each one is specifying a different slideshow.

      • Yes, it is solved. Now if you look at all 4 slideshows there seems a bit mismatch in the timing of the slideshow. It will look better if the slide can rotate in particular order. 1,2,3,4 or 4,3,2,1 or may be 1&3 change then 2&4 will change. If you can give some idea for giving timing to each slideshow would appreciate.

        • You can use metadata to change the speed of each slideshow if you want them to be staggered.

          • Not sure how to add timing in code if i have 4 slideshows with name left, middle, right,extreme-right then how you edit the code for timing.

            My Previous code is

            Can you please provide the metacode for the above 4 slides.

          • It depends on how you want the slideshows to cycle. For example, if you want the first and the third slideshows to cycle every 6 seconds, and then the second and fourth slideshows to cycle every 12 seconds, you could set the default option to 6 seconds, and in the metadata for the other two slideshows, change the duration to 12:

            [meteor_slideshow metadata="timeout: 12000"]
  10. I tried but its giving me syntax error below is my 2 slideshow code

    . . .can you please add metadata for timing any random time i just want correct syntax then i will edit it as per my requirement. . thanks for your time & help.

  11. I want code meta data code for template.

  12. It’s the same, it just has a different format:

  13. Excellent just love this plugin. Its just working as i wanted. I have 4 slideshows working awesome. . . . highly recommended . .. . thanks a ton!!

  14. Hi Josh,

    Your plug-in is awesome. I have started learning to build a site in WP since last week. Many things are in the eco-system is new to me.

    I can get the slideshow to play on the front page by inserting this line into header.php.

    However, I intend to create a unique slideshow for each post. How can I achieve that? Currently every post has the same slideshow as the front page.

    Sorry if this question had already been asked and answered previously.

    Thanks in advance!
    Pesky Squid

  15. The code did not show up. Let me try again.

    • The code didn’t come through, but how exactly do you want it to work, you want the slideshow to stay in the header on each page, but load a different slideshow on each page, is that right?

  16. Hi,

    This is a great plugin! Very clean and easily customizable.

    Has anyone had trouble having multiple slideshows on one page WITH thumbnails?

    I have successfully implemented thumbnails in my slideshows but the thumbs of the second slideshow don’t work.

    Thanks in advance!

    • Hi Anne, I haven’t run into this issue, but I haven’t tried to use multiple slideshows with thumbnails. I have run into the same problem with using multiple slideshows with titles for navigation. Take a look at how the title loop and the script are setup in that example in the documentation on custom slideshow scripts, that might give you some insight.

      • It’s great how supportive you are of users!

        I feel like the solution is right there and I can’t see it! It’s terribly frustrating.

        I feel like it has to do with the meteor count. On the second slideshow, the meteor count starts at 1 again, so there are duplicate mslide-1 and mslide-2, etc. The first set of thumbs controls both slideshows..

        … any ideas on how to get the meteor count to NOT reset after a slideshow? I tried removing this:

        But that didn’t really work. Any further insight you might be able to share is much appreciated!

        Thanks again!

  17. Hmm.. the code tag is not working.

  18. is there a shortcode for having different Slide Duration times for slides on the same page?

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