A gold star is great, but a cookie is better!

A tasty Meteor Slides milestone

Meteor Slides reached a couple of big milestones this week. My plugin broke 50 ratings while holding onto a five-star rating. It has also now been downloaded over 25,000 times, that’s a lot of slideshows!

To celebrate Kristine and I baked some gold star cookies with the kids—alright, they baked the cookies and I ate them.

Thank you everyone who has tried and rated my plugin, marked it as working, or left a comment. I really appreciate all of the feedback!

Meteor Slides updated for WordPress 3.1

In preparation for WordPress 3.1 which should be out any day now, I just released Meteor Slides 1.3.2. This version is still compatible with WordPress 3.0 and has been tested up through 3.1 Release Candidate 3.

Meteor Slide 1.3.2 has some updated functionality for WordPress 3.1, improves support for slideshows of different sizes, and now includes contextual help for all of the slideshow admin pages.

This plugin recently reached 17,000 downloads, and after 40 ratings, Meteor Slides is still holding onto five stars! Thanks everyone who has tried my plugin, rated it, and especially those who have been kind enough to donate. Seen a few cool implementations of Meteor Slides lately and I’d love to see more if you want to share a link.

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Help test Meteor Slides 1.3.2

I recently released Meteor Slides 1.3.1, this version should work just fine in most situations.

But there is an issue with using multiple slideshows of different sizes. Not all of the different elements in the slideshow are resizing dynamically when the dimensions are changed in the metadata. This issue is most noticeable when using navigation.

I have a development version of Meteor Slides 1.3.2 in trunk that fixes this problem and I could use some help testing it. The CSS and HTML markup of the slideshow have had some significant changes. These changes simplify the slideshow and should make it easier to customize in the future, but they could cause problems with existing customizations. Read More

A few Meteor Slides updates

I just released Meteor Slides 1.3.1, which fixes thumbnail registration conflicts, transparent images issues, and navigation for multiple slideshows.

There have been a few projects where I have needed to customize the template for the slideshow, so this version adds support for a custom slideshow template. I added some documentation for using a custom template which shows how to add titles or captions to the slides, and there is also now a page in the documentation on custom stylesheets. Read More

Multiple Slideshows for Meteor Slides

Meteor Slides 1.3 is now available for download. This version of Meteor Slides supports multiple slideshows and includes a number of improvements and fixes.

I have updated the Meter Slides homepage and and added detailed documentation. Check out the new screencast below to learn more about the newest version.

Video Overview

This screencast shows some of the new features in 1.3, such as adding multiple slideshows, and using metadata.

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